Climate Votes exhibiting at the upcoming Responsible Investor Asia conference in Singapore!

Climate Votes will be at the upcoming Responsible Investor Asia conference taking place in November in Singapore.
Climate Votes is a global effort of climate finance specialists engaging with institutional investors to use their shareholder power for real climate action. Investors have a responsibility to address climate risk, compel companies to decarbonise and halt deforestation, and to protect Indigenous rights impacted by corporate operations. When they don’t, investors must vote against boards and replace them with new directors who will take the necessary steps to set their companies on a pathway to a just climate transition.
Climate Votes, through its digital presence, commissions and shares expert reports, works with subject matter experts to publish climate investment commentary and engages with institutional investors online.
Take a look at our Flagged Votes page and Resources and Analysis page to see how we’ve engaged during shareholder seasons and beyond.
The context: Responsible Investing in Asia
In Asia, regulations are determined by each country, but significant economies have implemented rules to try and hold financial institutions and fossil fuel companies accountable for their harmful emissions.
Countries such as China, Japan and South Korea have mandatory carbon markets, placing a cap on the number of carbon emissions companies can produce — with the broader goal of gradually reducing total emissions. For example, China has announced that it will no longer build any coal plants abroad and promote renewable energy in light of net-zero commitments.
To help manage climate-related risk, regulators in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia are developing a framework for scenario mapping to ensure that banks are prepared for transitioning to a lower carbon economy. Furthermore, Singapore-based companies and financial institutions are taxed for their greenhouse gas emissions, which has resulted in green growth opportunities and eased the transition into a lower-carbon economy.
These climate policies push companies with high emissions to encourage stronger transparency, providing Asian investors with a more robust pillar to advocate for climate action.
An increasing number of investors in Asia are taking voluntary actions to incorporate climate and responsible investing principles when making financial decisions. During the 2022 AGM period, far larger numbers of investors called for further climate action from Japanese companies such as SMBC Group, J-Power and Mitsubishi Corporation than ever before.
Such stewardship resulted in 27% of investors voting in favour of a resolution asking SMBC to set and disclose short- and medium-term emissions reduction targets in alignment with the Paris Agreement, a strong message was sent to companies with a role to play in tackling the crisis.
Investors in Asia are also pushing climate action forward by joining voluntary climate industry and net zero initiatives such as the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC).
Coupled with their engagement with conferences and events such as Responsible Investor Asia, we hope signifies their commitment and championing of investor-driven climate action to meet global net-zero targets.
What next?
We’re so excited to meet you at the Responsible Investor Asia conference! You can find us at the Melati Ballroom at the Marina Sands Bay Hotel from 8am-7pm SST on 22nd November and 8:30-3pm SST on 23rd November. We hope to see you there!
Get in touch with us!